Hola a todos, acabo de pasar por unos 7 dias de estudios para determinar en que estado esta mi cancer hoy y los resultados dieron que es definitavamente de grado 4 y no 3 como se habia supuesto en un principio pero dio que me hizo metastasis en varias partes del cuerpo, lo que tenia en el pulmon era cancer, tambien lo del higado y bastante en el pecho y espalda en ganglios linfaticos y en ganglios que rodean al tumor que tengo en parte del estomago y el esofago, se determino tambien con seguridad que NO ES CANCER DE ESOFAGO sino que empezo en el estomago y crecio hacia arriba, y por estar ubicado ahora en la union del estomago y el esofago no lo llaman cancer de estomago, tiene otro nombre pero no me lo acuerdo.
LAS MUY BUENAS NOTICIAS son que el cancer desaparecio del pulmon, del pecho, de la espalda, el del higado se redujo de 1 centimetro a 4 milimetros, un 60%, es bastante, el tumor en el estomago y esofago se achico un monton, desaparecio todo lo que estaba hacia adentro del esofago por eso no se me venia trabando la comida hace tiempo, queda algo en un ganglio cerca del cuello pero no saben con total seguridad que sea cancer, me dicen que podria se por otra cosa que esta hinchado, cuando me hagan todos los estudios otra vez en 3 meses se va a poder comprobar con mas seguridad.
Los doctores tomaron la decision de seguir con la misma quimioterapia unos 3 meses mas por el tan buen resultado que esta dando, no quieren hablar de operacion por ahora, quieren ver que pasa de aca a 3 meses.
No quiero dejar de mencionar lo agradecido que estoy con Maui Windsurf Company, donde yo trabajo, que me estan ayudando tanto con todo esto que estoy pasando. www.mauiwindsurfcompany.com. Gracias Masato, gracias Chris
Y a todos mis amigos, familiares, gente que no conozco y me esta dando su gran apoyo, a tantos que me estan ayudando en sus paginas de windsurf en Internet en todos lados del mundo, a todos ustedes, gracias por todo este gran apoyo.
Hoy recibi un ragalazo de mis tias en Argentina, dos remeras de San Lorenzo firmadas por los jugadores de San Lorenzo y el tecnico Ramon Diaz dandome su apoyo. Gracias tias.
Un abrazo a todos, hasta la proxima, Fede
Friday, September 28, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
A New Week
Hi Everyone,
We hope all is well with you! Thank you for all of your support, phone calls, emails and prayers. We are thankful for each and every one of you.
This week Will be a very important week for all of us. Fede will be having 4 tests/scans to re-stage his cancer. So we will know if the chemo is doing it's job. Of course we believe it is and hope and pray for the tests to have a positive outcome. Tuesday Fede will have his third endoscopy. This one is with an ultrasound and can really see through the esophagus. He will be put to sleep for this one and he is relieved about that because the last one he had in July at UCLA, he woke up twice during the procedure and it was really uncomfortable.. He will have this done in Pasadena and we trust the doctor will do a good job. Friday he will have a cat scan and an MRI and next Monday a Pet Scan. Then on Tuesday of next week we will meet with the surgeon and discuss the results of all of these tests. So we will have a better idea of how Fede is responding to the chemo and if surgery will be in the near future.
Since Fede's third infusion 2 weeks ago he has been feeling pretty well. The issue with his feet has cleared up and he is enjoying the days of feeling "almost" normal. He is eating ALOT and gaining the weight he had lost over the last 9 months. He looks great, his hair had started falling out but stopped and overall he is doing amazing on Chemo. He even played tennis with his dad yesterday and had a great time. He has been so positive through all of this and wakes up enjoying each day with his kids and family and friends. He says how happy he is to spend every single day with the kids and watch them grow daily.
In the midst of all these trials, so many good things are happening too. Fede's dad and brother came out to California and Fede couldn't be happier to be with them during this time.. We are all so happy to welcome Chase and Carolina's baby to the family. Their baby boy arrived on Saturday so we are thrilled to have a new nephew to love, and for Lucia and Mateo to have a baby cousin to grow up with here. And our families have opened up their homes for us and it feels so great to have all of our families' support. Also Lucia started preschool and is having a great time and making lots of new friends. She is adjusting well to all the changes and is growing fast too. Mateo has been such a blessing, he is a super happy baby and goes along with us everywhere. He is starting to crawl now and is just growing too fast!
We'll let you all know how this week goes. Thanks for all your prayers and support.
Love, Marci, Fede, Lucia and Mateo
We hope all is well with you! Thank you for all of your support, phone calls, emails and prayers. We are thankful for each and every one of you.
This week Will be a very important week for all of us. Fede will be having 4 tests/scans to re-stage his cancer. So we will know if the chemo is doing it's job. Of course we believe it is and hope and pray for the tests to have a positive outcome. Tuesday Fede will have his third endoscopy. This one is with an ultrasound and can really see through the esophagus. He will be put to sleep for this one and he is relieved about that because the last one he had in July at UCLA, he woke up twice during the procedure and it was really uncomfortable.. He will have this done in Pasadena and we trust the doctor will do a good job. Friday he will have a cat scan and an MRI and next Monday a Pet Scan. Then on Tuesday of next week we will meet with the surgeon and discuss the results of all of these tests. So we will have a better idea of how Fede is responding to the chemo and if surgery will be in the near future.
Since Fede's third infusion 2 weeks ago he has been feeling pretty well. The issue with his feet has cleared up and he is enjoying the days of feeling "almost" normal. He is eating ALOT and gaining the weight he had lost over the last 9 months. He looks great, his hair had started falling out but stopped and overall he is doing amazing on Chemo. He even played tennis with his dad yesterday and had a great time. He has been so positive through all of this and wakes up enjoying each day with his kids and family and friends. He says how happy he is to spend every single day with the kids and watch them grow daily.
In the midst of all these trials, so many good things are happening too. Fede's dad and brother came out to California and Fede couldn't be happier to be with them during this time.. We are all so happy to welcome Chase and Carolina's baby to the family. Their baby boy arrived on Saturday so we are thrilled to have a new nephew to love, and for Lucia and Mateo to have a baby cousin to grow up with here. And our families have opened up their homes for us and it feels so great to have all of our families' support. Also Lucia started preschool and is having a great time and making lots of new friends. She is adjusting well to all the changes and is growing fast too. Mateo has been such a blessing, he is a super happy baby and goes along with us everywhere. He is starting to crawl now and is just growing too fast!
We'll let you all know how this week goes. Thanks for all your prayers and support.
Love, Marci, Fede, Lucia and Mateo
Monday, September 10, 2007
Este Jueves pasado me hicieron la tercera infiltracion de quiomioterapia, vengo pasando unos dias bastantes pesados despues de esta infiltracion y no puedo caminar bien producto de uno de los efectos colaterales de uno de los medicamnetos de la quimioterapia, me duelen los pies cuando camino asi que hoy me dijo mi doctor que corte por un par de dias con el medicamento que tomo todos los dias que es parte de la quimioterpia, asi vemos si se me pasa esto en los pies, me pidio que trate de no caminar por dos dias. En las proximas dos semanas me van a ser 3 examenes para ver en que estado esta todo adentro y a partir de ahi verian los doctores como continuar. Uno de los examenes es de mi cerebro, otro es otra vez una endoscopia y el otro un escaneo que tambien me lo habian hecho antes de empezar con todo el tratamiento y el 25 de este mes tengo un turno con mi cirujano para ver como seguimos con todo esto.
Maniana en un gran dia, empecieza un jardin de infantes mi hija Lucia, como sea voy a ir a llevarla con mi esposa, no me lo voy a perder y mi viejo llega de Argentina, hace un anio que no lo veo y tambien llega mi hermano. Asi que voy a tener casi a toda mi familia aca conmigo excepto mi hermana Lucila que esta en Espania con su familia. Los voy a tener maniana a mi Papa y a mi Mama conmigo despues de un anio que no estoy con los dos juntos.
Mi vieja esta aca en California desde un poco antes que nos vinieramos para aca, dejo todo en Argentina para estar cerca mio y darnos una gran mano en todo.
Que buen mes este con el campeonato mundial de rugby, aguanten los Pumas !
Hasta la proxima. Fede
Maniana en un gran dia, empecieza un jardin de infantes mi hija Lucia, como sea voy a ir a llevarla con mi esposa, no me lo voy a perder y mi viejo llega de Argentina, hace un anio que no lo veo y tambien llega mi hermano. Asi que voy a tener casi a toda mi familia aca conmigo excepto mi hermana Lucila que esta en Espania con su familia. Los voy a tener maniana a mi Papa y a mi Mama conmigo despues de un anio que no estoy con los dos juntos.
Mi vieja esta aca en California desde un poco antes que nos vinieramos para aca, dejo todo en Argentina para estar cerca mio y darnos una gran mano en todo.
Que buen mes este con el campeonato mundial de rugby, aguanten los Pumas !
Hasta la proxima. Fede
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Hola a todos. Vengo de tener una muy buena semana sintiendome muy bien, vi a mi doctor el Lunes pasado y esta muy contento con el progreso de la quimioterpia por lo que le conte de como estoy comiendo normal otra vez, sin tener que licuar la comida y no se me esta quedando trabada como me pasaba antes. Me dice que esto se debe a que el tumor se esta achicando.
Hacia meses que no comia asi.
Este Jueves me hacen la tercera infiltracion. Lo primero que me van a hacer es un estudio de sangre, despues me encuentro con mi oncologo para ver como va todo y luego me hacen la infiltracion que dura 3 a 4 horas. Hay 10 habitaciones privadas para hacer las infiltraciones que son muy comodas con television cada una. Lo primero que me hacen es conectarme suero y me mandan ahi un medicamento que se llama Zofran que es un antinausea. Despues me empiezan a pasar Epirubicin que es uno de los medicamentos de la quimioterapia. Es rojo oscuro y una enfermera me lo inyecta muy despacio a travez de la coneccion que tengo del suero y tiene que ir controlando que no se escape de la vena porque me puede lastimar un musculo de la mano o del brazo, depende por donde me lo esten inyectando. Cuando terminan de pasar todo este liquido me ponen otro medicamento que se llama Oaxiplatin que tambien es muy fuerte y me lo inyectan como lo hacen con el suero. Este medicamento tiene efectos colaterales muy raros, puede afectar el sistema nervioso y cada vez que me la dieron me causo mucho dolor en la mano y el brazo que me duro despues por 4 dias mas o menos y por 5 dias despues no puedo tomar o comer nada frio y no puedo exponerme a agua fria por ejemplo meterme a una pileta. Si toco agua fria es como hielo y siento enseguida que me quema y no puedo estar al sol por los primeros 5 dias.
Tengo remedios para la naucea asi que ni bien me agarra la controlo enseguida.
El pelo se me cayo bastante pero no se me cae mas y casi ni se me nota que se cayo tanto.
Cada dia tiene su desafio pero tambien muchas cosas lindas y estoy muy feliz que a la vez tengo mucho tiempo para poder disfrutar tanto a mis hijos y verlos crecer.
Una de las cosas mas lindas que me va a pasar este mes es el nacimiento del bebe de mi hermana Caro. Y tambien mi hermano y mi Papa llegan este fin de semana y va a ser muy especial estar con ellos juntos. Mi hermana menor Lucila vive en Barcelona con su familia, mi cuniado Pablo y mi sobrina Coral que es una belleza. Ellos no van a poder venir pero los sentimos cerca igual todos los dias.
Gracias por el gran apoyo que me estan dando.
Un gran abrazo a todos. Fede
Hello to all !
I've been feeling pretty good the last week, I saw my oncologist last Monday and he was so happy when I told him that I was eating normal. Foods I haven't eaten in months are passing with no problem, the food is not getting stuck in my esophagus and he said that this means that the tumor is getting smaller because of the chemotherapy. I am getting my 3rd infusion this Thursday. First I go in for blood work, then meet with my oncologist to see how everything is going. Then the infusion with takes about 3-4 hours. At The City of Hope they have about 10 private infusion rooms that are comfortable. A nice bed, chair for whoever is with me and T.V. First they set up the I.V. and give me fluids and Zofran which is a very strong anti nausea medicine. Then they start the first medicine which is called epirubicin. It is bright red and the nurse has to slowly inject it into the IV. It is very powerful so they have to watch as it goes in to make sure that is going into the vein and nothing is leaking. Then they start oaxiplatin which is also very strong and potent. This drug has many strange side-effects. It can affect the nervous system and each time it has caused a lot of pain in my hand and arm that lasts for about 4 days. Also with this drug I can't drink anything cold or be exposed to cold water for about 4-5 days. If I touch cold water it feels like ice and gives a sort of burning sensation.
So now I know what to expect. I have anti nausea medicine and can control the nausea with that. My hair started falling out but has stopped and it's not even noticiable.
We are taking it day by day and each day has some challenges but many joys too. I'm so happy to be spending so much time with my children everyday and watching them grow.
We've been really busy here with all my appoitments and seeing family and friends when i'm feeling good. Lucia got her first black eye on Saturday. She fell and hit the side of her face but was strong and recovered with a popsicle. With all the hot weather, we've been enjoying my in-laws' pool. Lucia is almost swimming and we can't get her out of the pool.
We're really excited and waiting for the birth of my sister Carolina's baby this month. My dad is coming and my brother and it will be nice to be all together. The only one missing is my sister Lucila and her family in Barcelona.
Thank you so much for all your support.
Big hug to all. Fede
Hola a todos. Vengo de tener una muy buena semana sintiendome muy bien, vi a mi doctor el Lunes pasado y esta muy contento con el progreso de la quimioterpia por lo que le conte de como estoy comiendo normal otra vez, sin tener que licuar la comida y no se me esta quedando trabada como me pasaba antes. Me dice que esto se debe a que el tumor se esta achicando.
Hacia meses que no comia asi.
Este Jueves me hacen la tercera infiltracion. Lo primero que me van a hacer es un estudio de sangre, despues me encuentro con mi oncologo para ver como va todo y luego me hacen la infiltracion que dura 3 a 4 horas. Hay 10 habitaciones privadas para hacer las infiltraciones que son muy comodas con television cada una. Lo primero que me hacen es conectarme suero y me mandan ahi un medicamento que se llama Zofran que es un antinausea. Despues me empiezan a pasar Epirubicin que es uno de los medicamentos de la quimioterapia. Es rojo oscuro y una enfermera me lo inyecta muy despacio a travez de la coneccion que tengo del suero y tiene que ir controlando que no se escape de la vena porque me puede lastimar un musculo de la mano o del brazo, depende por donde me lo esten inyectando. Cuando terminan de pasar todo este liquido me ponen otro medicamento que se llama Oaxiplatin que tambien es muy fuerte y me lo inyectan como lo hacen con el suero. Este medicamento tiene efectos colaterales muy raros, puede afectar el sistema nervioso y cada vez que me la dieron me causo mucho dolor en la mano y el brazo que me duro despues por 4 dias mas o menos y por 5 dias despues no puedo tomar o comer nada frio y no puedo exponerme a agua fria por ejemplo meterme a una pileta. Si toco agua fria es como hielo y siento enseguida que me quema y no puedo estar al sol por los primeros 5 dias.
Tengo remedios para la naucea asi que ni bien me agarra la controlo enseguida.
El pelo se me cayo bastante pero no se me cae mas y casi ni se me nota que se cayo tanto.
Cada dia tiene su desafio pero tambien muchas cosas lindas y estoy muy feliz que a la vez tengo mucho tiempo para poder disfrutar tanto a mis hijos y verlos crecer.
Una de las cosas mas lindas que me va a pasar este mes es el nacimiento del bebe de mi hermana Caro. Y tambien mi hermano y mi Papa llegan este fin de semana y va a ser muy especial estar con ellos juntos. Mi hermana menor Lucila vive en Barcelona con su familia, mi cuniado Pablo y mi sobrina Coral que es una belleza. Ellos no van a poder venir pero los sentimos cerca igual todos los dias.
Gracias por el gran apoyo que me estan dando.
Un gran abrazo a todos. Fede
Hello to all !
I've been feeling pretty good the last week, I saw my oncologist last Monday and he was so happy when I told him that I was eating normal. Foods I haven't eaten in months are passing with no problem, the food is not getting stuck in my esophagus and he said that this means that the tumor is getting smaller because of the chemotherapy. I am getting my 3rd infusion this Thursday. First I go in for blood work, then meet with my oncologist to see how everything is going. Then the infusion with takes about 3-4 hours. At The City of Hope they have about 10 private infusion rooms that are comfortable. A nice bed, chair for whoever is with me and T.V. First they set up the I.V. and give me fluids and Zofran which is a very strong anti nausea medicine. Then they start the first medicine which is called epirubicin. It is bright red and the nurse has to slowly inject it into the IV. It is very powerful so they have to watch as it goes in to make sure that is going into the vein and nothing is leaking. Then they start oaxiplatin which is also very strong and potent. This drug has many strange side-effects. It can affect the nervous system and each time it has caused a lot of pain in my hand and arm that lasts for about 4 days. Also with this drug I can't drink anything cold or be exposed to cold water for about 4-5 days. If I touch cold water it feels like ice and gives a sort of burning sensation.
So now I know what to expect. I have anti nausea medicine and can control the nausea with that. My hair started falling out but has stopped and it's not even noticiable.
We are taking it day by day and each day has some challenges but many joys too. I'm so happy to be spending so much time with my children everyday and watching them grow.
We've been really busy here with all my appoitments and seeing family and friends when i'm feeling good. Lucia got her first black eye on Saturday. She fell and hit the side of her face but was strong and recovered with a popsicle. With all the hot weather, we've been enjoying my in-laws' pool. Lucia is almost swimming and we can't get her out of the pool.
We're really excited and waiting for the birth of my sister Carolina's baby this month. My dad is coming and my brother and it will be nice to be all together. The only one missing is my sister Lucila and her family in Barcelona.
Thank you so much for all your support.
Big hug to all. Fede
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