Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tumores en el hígado achicandose. Tumors in the liver shrinking.

The MRI that I had done 2 weeks ago confirmed that the lesions in my liver are shrinking. There has been an overall decrease in liver metastases. This was compared to the MRI 1 month ago. The doctor was happy to know that the chemo is doing it's job.
Last week I was supposed to have another infusion but they were unable to find any veins that worked. They tried 8 times, 4 different nurses 2 times each, and everytime they inserted the IV and catather, my veins would close up. They said that it is the body's way of protecting itself. So they were unable to give me the chemo.
They only way for me to continue with treatment is to have the portacath put in. It will be a minor surgery to place the portacath under my skin in the chest area. The chemo will be administered directly into the heart area. I have been trying to avoid this procedure since I was diagnosed with cancer. I was having all my fusions done through IV, which destroy the veins. Now this is my option and they are scheduling the procedure for next week. Right after the procedure they give me the chemo.
Thanks for all of your help and support. We are very grateful!

Until next time, Federico


La resonancia magnética que me hicieron hace un poco mas de una semana atrás confirmo que los tumores en el hígado se están achicando. Esta fue comparada con la que me habian hecho un mes antes . Es decir que en un mes se redujeron los tamaños de los tumores. Esto comprueba que las 3 drogas que están utilizando para mi quimioterapia están funcionando correctamente.
La semana pasada tenia otra sesión de quimioterapia la cual no me pudieron hacer porque no me funcionan mas las venas de los brazos. Se cierran a penas me insertan el catéter en estas y esto sucede a causa de la misma quimioterapia.
La única forma de continuar con el tratamiento es hacerme esta semana una pequeña intervención quirurgica para colocarme un dispositivo debajo de la piel en el pecho para poder infiltrarme directamente y así poder seguir con la quimioterapia.
Esto no me agrada mucho pero es la única solución que tengo.
Les agradezco por este medio a todos los que me están apoyando y ayudando en esta etapa de mi vida.

Hasta la próxima.



Rotorhead said...

Good to hear that the lesions are shrinking. For chemo, the chest port is the way to go. It makes the chemo so much easier, and I didn't even notice mine after a few days. I did 6 weeks of chemo without it and it tore up my arms. Here is a link to my March '08 blogs, when I had my chest port surgery and initial rounds of chemo:

Piluso said...

Vamos carajo Fede!!! Buenísimas noticias!!! Me alegro un montón, estaba expectante todos los días chequeando el blog para recibir noticias tuyas.

Lo del "chest port" bueno, como dice Charlie en el post de arriba, se ve que es lo mejor para seguir, no solo para que se recuperen tus brazos, sino también para hacer más fácil (mirándolo positivamente) la quimio.

Fuerza y mucha FE mi viejo!!!

Un fuerte abrazo!


Mauiguy said...

Hi Mateo. This is good news. I can only imagine how difficult the treatment must be but please keep up the good fight. We are rooting for you here on Maui!

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