My tumors in the liver got very aggressive and got bigger. My biggest one now is 5.5 cm.
I am starting with a new chemotherapy in 2 days, this Thursday. My doctor wanted to do a procedure directly to my liver instead of doing chemotherapy, but it has been taking a while and we can not wait any longer for an authorization from my insurance. The tumors are growing fast.
I have moved for treatment to a new place. I am no longer being treated at The City of Hope.
I have found a doctor who treats cancer with a more integrative mind and works together with alternative therapies.
Beside all this I am doing very good, with my hope always high, enjoying a lot my family everyday and so grateful with God for every new day of life.
I said it before but I tell you again, conventional medicine alone is incomplete, integrative medicine is the only way, a combination of conventional and holistic medicine. Help me to promote it. There are a lot of people doing it already.
Eat organic and whole foods, the healthiest.
God exists and is so real