Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ready for a new battle. Listo para una nueva batalla

My tumors in the liver got very aggressive and got bigger. My biggest one now is 5.5 cm.
I am starting with a new chemotherapy in 2 days, this Thursday. My doctor wanted to do a procedure directly to my liver instead of doing chemotherapy, but it has been taking a while and we can not wait any longer for an authorization from my insurance. The tumors are growing fast.
I have moved for treatment to a new place. I am no longer being treated at The City of Hope.
I have found a doctor who treats cancer with a more integrative mind and works together with alternative therapies.

Beside all this I am doing very good, with my hope always high, enjoying a lot my family everyday and so grateful with God for every new day of life.

I said it before but I tell you again, conventional medicine alone is incomplete, integrative medicine is the only way, a combination of conventional and holistic medicine. Help me to promote it. There are a lot of people doing it already.

Eat organic and whole foods, the healthiest.

God exists and is so real



Piluso said...

Fede, mucha FuErza, la vas a ganar y vas a salir adelante. No me canso de repetirlo, pero estoy seguro que será así.

Te leo y hemos hablado varias veces y aprendí mucho. Estoy seguro que la medicina integral que estás haciendo es una excelente alternativa. Dale para adelante!

Te mando un fuerte abrazo, están siempre en mis oraciones.

Con Cristo, se puede!


Marisa Bst said...

Fede, todo mi afecto y la fuerza de la oración para vos.
Se puede, ya lograste mucho y vas por más.


Unknown said...

Hola Fede, me llamo Mariana Basanta soy ex alumna del San Marcos, te sigo desde hace mucho, todos los dias antes de empezar a laburar entro a tu pagina para ver como estas, nunca te escribi, pero hoy siento que necesito decirte que LO VAS A LOGRAR !!!!!!
Tenes unos hijos maravillosos y tu mujer es una GENIA...HERMOSA FAMILIA !!!!!
Nunca bajes los brazos.
Si crees que en algo te puedo ayudar ni lo dudes...pedimelo...lo que sea despues veremos la forma de conseguirlo.

Anonymous said...

despues de todo, sobreviviste a tu hermano que te despertaba toodass las mañanas con Supertramp!! no?

te mando un abrazo grande
me gustaria que un dia me enseñes a surfear
un recuerdo desde el euskal
pablo e

Juli y Dani said...

Fede y Marci, toda mi energia desde aca y sigan asi, usen todas las herramientas que existan que sumadas al amor y la fe vamos a salir adelante y ganarle la batalla...
si hay algo que aprendi de esto es a levantarse cada manana pensando en positivo, no darle lugar a los pensamientos negativos, como les digo siempre disfruten de esos dos bomboncitos que tienen y vamos carajo que se puede!! besos

**¯**¯** said...

Fede muchas fuerza! que buno tener noticias tuyas.
hoy estaba leyendo otro blog y se me ocurrio dejarte el link para que leyeras..y para ver si te puede ayudar
te dejo el link

javiervinuesa@hotmail.com said...

Hola Fede,
Estamos todos contigo, no bajamos los brazos y seguimos luchando.
Un abrazo campeón!!

Anonymous said...


**¯**¯** said...

fede hoy encontre una web muy buena con harta informacion!
te la dejo para que le heches un ojito!!
como va todo?
muchos animos desde Chile!!


Anonymous said...

Fede,don't give up !!!!!Somos muchos los que estamos ayudando a empujar el carro !!!!No podemos fallar !!! Con la ayuda de Dios,la fe,la fuerza,el amor y tu entereza vamos a lograrlo !!!Sos un campeòn,desde Baires con amor,mi husband y yo,te acompañamos y rezamos por vos.

Mauiguy said...

Fede, you might want to talk to Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski in Houston TX who uses a type of innovative gene therapy to treat stubborn and/or aggressive cancers that do not respond to conventional techniques.


Wishing you the best.

// Gary

Anonymous said...

Hi Fede. This is Chikako (a short Japanese girl) from Cabrillo Beach. I read your blog periodically and am always amazed by your strong determination and faith. My Dad who also was diagnosed with esophagus cancer two years ago has been doing okay. I always tell him about you. BTW, my friend is going to start Chemo for her breast cancer and she is afraid of losing her hair. Do you have any recommendation?

**¯**¯** said...

Fede aqui yo de nuevo
hoy encontre esta web y esta excelente!

te la dejo!!

Esteban Merker said...

Fede loco te admiro, cada tanto entro para saber como andan tus cosas, te mando un abrazo grande y te superfelicito por la familia hermosa que tenes.

Anonymous said...

Peleásela cuerpo a cuerpo Fede!!!!!!!!!!!!

con toda la fuerza y la onda, una sudaka

Anonymous said...

Hey Fede,

It's Ellen, la Colorada from Maui. I was reading this last blog and I love your attitude and approach for the conventional medicine combined with the holistic approach. When I had my car accident on Maui I had such a bad injury and tried every form of medicine. The one doctor that finally could help me was a DO. She diagnosed me in 30 seconds. With these types of treatments it helps your body to get back into equilibrium much faster. Maybe even after your chemo. The treatment from the DO helps with any kind of inflammation and imbalances in your system. Totally non-invasive to your body. They are medical doctors but very holistic and natural style. They treat the patient for the probelm not the patient from the books. The beauty and goal of Osteopathy is that your body is born a certain way and made to heal itself. Some of your injuries or sickness is stronger than a cut or scratch so your body needs guidance to go to the deeper areas to heal. That is were an osteopathic treatment comes in. It literally naturally communicates with the body through manipulations to help guide it to healing through the cerebral and spinal fluid. I strongly believe in DO's or Osteopathy after all the pain from my injury I went through. They really know how to read the body and help it to find some form of balance. You need to find a good one though. I don't know if you have tried an osteopath or added to your repertoire but hopefully if you pray that God will guide you to a good one and help you with your healing you can find one. I had a beautiful journey of healing with all 3 of my DO's and they all helped me to heal amazing. I even had one while I was staying in Argentina. If you want to meet her I can give you her contact whenever you go down to BA. I hope this info helps you.
Take care and stay positive. You truly have the best sense of humor and laughter is a lot in the healing process.


Unknown said...

Federico, desde Madrid te enviamos toda la fuerza. Soy Carlos y quería ayudarte diciéndote que pertenezco a un foro de windsurf llamado "totalwind" y creo que la ayuda podría ampliarse desde este lado del atlántico. Se podría poner un aviso en este foro y esto es muy simple de hacer. Si hace falta, lo hago yo mismo. Yo soy del grupo de Madrid pero el foro tiene 6000 usuarios. Por cualquier duda mi e mail es : piantino@yahoo.com y estaría contento de ayudarte. Un fuerte abrazo y mucha fuerza.