Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Hi Everyone!!

Like you already know, life gave me a surprise with cancer of the esophagus which was discovered in June. After seeing four different doctors since November of last year, and some tests that showed nothing, my symptoms continued. My symptoms started last year with a feeling like the food was not going down good. It was very gradual but by November, food was getting stuck and I was starting to change my diet by eating softer foods to avoid the uncomfortable feeling. The doctors performed an upper GI test that is an x-ray of the throat and esophagus. You swallow a magnetic liquid that is seen going down the throat on the x-ray. Nothing was discovered with this test. The symptoms continued and I was told I had acid reflux and to take antacid. I returned 2 months later and was again told it was acid reflux and to take the medicine for 2 more months. Finally in May I went back to the doctor with my wife and insisted on an endoscopy to look down my throat and see what was there. At this point I was having a lot of trouble swallowing food that wasn't soft. To avoid choking we had starting to blend almost everything and completely cut out meat from the diet. The blood test showed no signs of illness but the doctor agreed to send me to a Gastroenterologist. With only 2 on the island I couldn't get in for a couple of weeks. Finally on June 22nd I had an endoscopy. The doctor found something she didn't like but said it was probably an infection, small chance that it could be the beginning of cancer but probably not considering my age. On June 25th, the results were back, I went to her office alone because I thought it wasn't going to be serious and the words she told be were shocking. I had esophageal cancer. And it was serious.
So like you all know, we came to California within 2 weeks of the diagnosis so we could have the support of our families and the best medical care. We had consultations at UCLA and The City of Hope. We chose The City of Hope to treat my cancer for their great reputation and for many excellent references. You can see their website at www.cityofhope.org
It has been 4 weeks since I started chemotherapy and Thursday of last week I had my second infusion, I have approximately 5 weeks left. The truth is I'm doing pretty well with the chemo. The first few days after the infusion are the most difficult. I feel pretty bad the first 4 days but the anti nausea medicine helps a lot! After about the 4th day I start to feel a little better but never normal. I feel a little week, sometimes more and sometimes less. And when I am feeling good, I take advantage of it and try to exercise a little. I'm eating good and drinking a lot of liquids. After about the 2nd week of chemo food started passing a lot easier and now I'm eating almost anything I want. So the doctors were happy about that and are hopeful that the tumor is shrinking.

My cancer is stage 3/4. The scans detected 2 very small spots on the liver but they can't be 100% sure unless they biopsy it. So they are treating it as stage 4, but the rest of my organs are clear. It is stage 3 because the tumor goes deep into all the layers of the esophagus. The surgeon said it is not a big tumor but is goes deep, it is about 3cm long.

Something that changed drastically since I found out about my cancer is my nutrition with the help of a great natural nutritionist on Maui. I'm eating mostly organic and taking supplements that help with the side effects of chemo.

Thanks to the love and incredible support of my wife and the happiness of being with our children everyday, and the incredible support of all of our family and friends and especially the faith we have in Jesus Christ, I'm taking all of this with Joy, Peace, a lot of strength and most importantly HOPE.

Something important that I want to share with all of you is that preventative medicine is fundamental. A very simple test, the endoscopy should have been preformed from the beginning.. It is the test that allows the doctor to see inside the esophagus and stomach and it is very easy. I had one in Maui and one in California and didn't feel anything. You have to be your own health advocate. My cancer could have been discovered 6 months ago when I first started going to the doctor. But because of my age, every doctor overlooked the symptoms and assumed the least: acid reflux.

The photo is of the first infusion of chemo. I'll keep you all updated often.
A big hug to each of you,


Sebastian said...

Hola fede... que linda foto, me las mando el Marian hace un par de dias...
Viste lo del Ciclon??? Ayer iva perdiendo 3 a 0 con Racing y los de racing cantaban "ole, ole, para Tinelli que lo mira por TV"... y en el segundo tiempo el ciclon se lo dio vuelta 4 a 3.... jejejeje
LOS AMARGOS DE RACING SE QUIEREN CORTAR LA PELOT... (el comentario finoli finoli)... Aguante San Lorenzo!!!!!!!!!!
Un Abrazoooooooo...

Liliana Pécora said...

Te quiero Fedeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Que alegría me da saber que estás mejor... Entre el triunfo del Ciclón y tu recuperación.... esto es para el Guinness.
Que bello se los ve a los 4...son una familia maravillosa. Deben darse todo el amor del mundo.
Arriba Fede... esto también pasará y nos reiremos al recordarlo.
Por tu fuerza, tu entereza y tu ejemplo.
Un re beso azulgrana de tu tía Lili la cuerrrrrrrrva
Mimitos para vos y muchos abracitos de tu tía y madrina que te quiere con el alma.
Liliana Pécora

Liliana Pécora said...
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blogmistress said...

Hi Federico, I just read about your news, and although I don't think we ever met, I feel very sad that you are having to go through treatment. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago, and I also did the full rounds of treatment, happy to say, everything is fine now. I sincerly hope you will also be fine, there are no guarantees for any of us, but you're doing the right thing, by doing something about it!! (some people don't) Wishing you the best results, and that we both get back to Maui really soon.
aloha, Norah Hunter KC-57

David Sharus said...

Hola Fede …
Quiero sonreír pero me cuesta. Las lágrimas pueden más.
Estos dos últimos años trabajamos con una ONG (médicusmundi) y no vemos cosas muy gratas. Mi esposa march mañana a Mozambique durante un mes a trabajar en medio de la nada, y para alegrarnos la vida esta embarazada otra ves (9 semanas) esta cosita que se esta gestando en su panza nos hizo replantear nuestra vida.
Mi comentario fue hablar de ti, una persona fuerte e incansable de vivir, que formo una familia y se asentó en el lugar que mas le gustaba del mundo, para nosotros ese lugar aun no ha aparecido, pero sos el mejor ejemplo que tenemos ya que no muchos pueden hacer lo que le gusta vivir de ello y compartirlo con los seres que ama.
Cada ves que alguien me pregunta cuando nació mi hijo Nahuel, digo el 21 de enero igual que mi amigo FEDE…
Pero hoy veo mi correo, me alegro al ver tu mail pero al leerlo se me caen las lagrimitas y se me parte el corazón.
Como medico que soy se por lo que estas pasando junto a toda tu familia. Y solo me sale decirte que intentare ayudarte en todo lo que pueda tanto yo como mi esposa Mireia, si tenes alguna consulta o duda sobre tu tratamiento solo pregunta.
La oncológia no es nuestra especialidad pero tenemos amigos que si.
Supongo que luego del tratamiento vendrás a ver a Lucila como me habías dicho y que yo tendré que sacar las tablas del trastero que hace 3 años que juntan tierra.
Y si no… no hay problema conocemos lugares fantásticos para ir a caminar en las montañas.
En un instante mis primeros años en la Lucila del mar han pasado por mi mente.
Te vi llegar como un fantasma palido sin palabras, el día que chocaste el caballo con el coche, o cuando entraron a navegar con sudestada y uno rompió el pie de mástil y tuvieron que ir a buscarlo asta aguas verde… creo que hoy esas son de las anécdotas mas pequeñas que tenes que contar.
Y conociéndote se que dentro de poco esto que hoy vivís también será otra anécdota que les contaras a tus nietos y a los míos tomando una birra junto al mar esperando que sople viento o se forme una ola para compartir junto a ellos.
Un abrazo fuerte y arriba maestro que nos queda mucho camino por recorrer.

Clau said...

Hola Fede,como estas????
Vos no me conoces, mi nombre es Claudia y soy alumna de tu tia Lili a la cual quiero mucho y le tengo mucho respeto....es una persona excelente.
Quiero decirte que sigas adelante con toda esa energia y esa BUENA ONDA que estas poniendo en todo esto...
Tengo un hijo que se llamaigual que vos...
Te mando toda la ENERGIA POSITIVA Y pensa que TAMBIEN ESTO PASARA...
Segui adelante...un abrazo de OSA!!

Liliana Pécora said...

Pasé por acá para dejarte escrito que te quiero y te tengo todos los días en mis oraciones y tus fotos por todos lados.
Avanti Pécora, avanti e forza.
Te amo
Tia Lili

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