Friday, October 30, 2009

It keeps on getting smaller. Y se sigue achicando.

Last Thursday my doctor gave me the good news from the scan that the tumors in my liver are continuing to reduce in size. Meaning the chemotherapy treatment is showing positive results. The biggest tumor that they are measuring 3 months ago was 1.6cm and now has reduced to 0.8 mm, meaning it has shrunk by half. There still remains many small tumors but they are also getting smaller and are very tiny.
I was due to have chemo Thursday but my white blood cells were too low, so they postponed it a week. My doctor is also going to reduce the dose of one of the chemo drugs so that my white blood cells do not continue to be so low.

Through this blog I also want to promote an effective, more complete medicine. An integrative medicine that works with the symptoms and the cause of the disease together. A combination of conventional medicine with holistic. A medicine that teaches us to prevent instead of waiting for a disease to occur.

God exists. Until the next time. Federico


Ayer Jueves me dio mi doctor el resultado del estudio que me hicieron la semana pasada que fue una resonancia magnética. Salio que todo se sigue achicando. El tumor mas grande que estaba hace 3 meses de 1.6 centímetros ahora esta de 0.8 centímetros, es decir que se achico a la mitad.
Se siguen viendo muchos tumores chiquitos pero todo se sigue reduciendo.
La infiltración que me iban a hacer ayer no me la hicieron porque tenia bajas las células blancas.
Me la hacen el Jueves que viene y me van a reducir la dosis de una de las drogas para que no bajen tanto las células blancas.

A través de mi blog promuevo la medicina mas efectiva, completa, una medicina integral donde se trabaja con el síntoma y la causa a la vez. La combinacion de la medicina convencional con la medicina holistica. Y que se le enseñe a la gente a prevenir en vez de esperar que le ocurra.

Dios existe. Hasta la próxima. Federico

Sunday, October 18, 2009

16th infusion and still in the race

I had an infusion 10 days ago. This was a difficult one for me. The side effects were strong this time and I stayed at my sister's house for four days to rest and recover. By the time I came home to my wife and kids I was feeling much better. Feeling good is relative. It has a whole new meaning to me now. "Feeling good", includes pain in my hands and feet, heavy fatigue, and an overall nausea and headache. But today I feel excellent. I went on a long bike ride along the beach path and enjoyed the fresh ocean air.
This coming Thursday I will be getting an MRI and will see the status of my cancer. It has been almost 3 months since the last one. As soon as I know the results I will post it. There is a certain amount of anxiety that comes with getting these scans. But after so many now, we have our ways to manage the anxiousness. One of those ways is to consciously live in the moment and not think about the future. It really is a mind game and learning to control your mind, finding the peace in the moment.
Thanks for all your love and support!!
