Sunday, October 18, 2009

16th infusion and still in the race

I had an infusion 10 days ago. This was a difficult one for me. The side effects were strong this time and I stayed at my sister's house for four days to rest and recover. By the time I came home to my wife and kids I was feeling much better. Feeling good is relative. It has a whole new meaning to me now. "Feeling good", includes pain in my hands and feet, heavy fatigue, and an overall nausea and headache. But today I feel excellent. I went on a long bike ride along the beach path and enjoyed the fresh ocean air.
This coming Thursday I will be getting an MRI and will see the status of my cancer. It has been almost 3 months since the last one. As soon as I know the results I will post it. There is a certain amount of anxiety that comes with getting these scans. But after so many now, we have our ways to manage the anxiousness. One of those ways is to consciously live in the moment and not think about the future. It really is a mind game and learning to control your mind, finding the peace in the moment.
Thanks for all your love and support!!



Piluso said...

Fuerza Fede querido! Estoy seguro que los resultados serán positivos.

La verdad es admirable cómo le encontras el lado positivo a todo; creo que esta "reseta" de FE, amor, métodos alternativos, medicina y positividad (se escribe así?), te permitirán salir adelante.

Como siempre, fuerte abrazo para vos y todos los tuyos!


Rotorhead said...

Good luck to you my friend. Keep doing helathy and active things as long as you feel well, and listen to your body and rest when it is needed. I enjoy reading your entries and wish you the best of health.

Javier said...

Vamos Fede!!
Mucha fuerza y mucho ánimo que esto ya lo tienes!
Un abrazo,

Mauiguy said...

Lance Armstrong channeled the pain of chemotherapy into positive energy, reasoning that the lousy feeling in his body must be a sign that the powerful medicines were doing their work and doing it well. In other words, the worse he felt, the more effective the medicines must be at eliminating the cancerous cells. I realize this is all too easy for me to say, but please know that I'm cheering for you and praying for your recovery. Keep up the good fight and please let us know how things go with the tests. Take care Fede!

// Gary

Marcela said...

Federico, sigo tu blog desde Febrero del 2008. Mucha Fuerza y Coraje en este momento.
Desde "El Mejor Sudeste" (Quilmes)

Unknown said...

Federico, I read about your story in the Web and I am encouraged by your attitude and strenght. I am praying for your and your family for a speedy recovery. May God bless you and your family.

morochadelkite said...

Hola Fede, no nos conocemos, soy de la lista de windsurf de Argentina y cada tanto entro en tu blog para saber si hay alguna novedad respecto a tu salud. Me alegra mucho que te sientas mejor y como dice tu amigo Piluso es admirable como le encontras el lado positivo a todo.

Saludos para vos y tu flia

Germán said...

Amigo, hoy me llegó el mail de Pilu contándome las buenas noticias. Te felicito, y no bajes los brazos. Abrazo enorme, y besos a la familia.